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Gumenyuk Zoja

Senior lecturer in theory, practice and German translations


Curriculum Vitae

Graduated from the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages in 1970. Department of German.

Worked in the school  21 in Shar'ya Kostroma region, Civil Engineering Institute of Kharkov "KPI".

Since more than 15 year  is working at the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of German



Coursesintroduction to general technical foreign language, foreign language general technical direction, foreign language professional orientation, foreign language professionally oriented communication, foreign language for scientists.

Scientific research

Conferences, Seminars


Problem collaboration translator and editor in the Information Society. Formula competence of the teacher; 2010 - Karl: "KPI".

In this paper, we consider two types of translation, namely "translation work" or "broadcast information" and "literary translation". It should be noted that the translation is not only an interpreter, but the translation editor. According to the authors, translator responsible for translation quality. And the translation editor responsible only check text content and stylistic logic and word processing. He is taken into account that a translator is particularly important because of the significant increase in the amount of information in all disciplines.

Analysis of the content and form as part of the process of translation of scientific books. The formula interpreter competence; 2011 - Karl: National Technical University "KPI".

The work is dedicated to the translation of scientific books, which in the modern age of information technology remains an important source of knowledge. The notion of a scientific book can have many definitions. The authors note that the translation of the book, as a rule, is a difficult task for a translator. Research into difficult perceived, because it contains a great many facts generalization, diverse opinions and social factors. Thus, a critical element of the translation process Science is to analyze its content and form.

Dialectical features German in artistic and journalistic translation. Scientific Papers. Scientific School "Prekrasnyyy World", 2011, Kiev.

In this article, the authors examine the German language in terms of its many dialects of significant phonetic, lexical and grammatical differences. He pointed out that the German language is not only the Germans, but also Austrians, Swiss and other people who have a lot of dialectal features. They are also used by writers faithfully reproduce human attitudes and mentality of the population in a particular area. Translations of works written in dialect is more complicated than translations performed in the general German.

Features Medical Translation. Collection of scientific articles, Issue 3, 2013. -Lower Novgorod.

The article deals with translation tools specialized medical terminology, medical acronyms, abbreviations, etc. Latin origin. Special attention is given to features of the primary translation of medical documents, intended for both patients and physicians.

The role of knowledge about the globe profession for future translators. Scientific Papers. - Issue 27 - 2012 - Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky: DPU them. G.Skovoroda.

This article focuses on the role of knowledge about the features of the profession for students future translators. The importance of such knowledge for the organization of professional interpreter during his life. Become important knowledge about the specific profession for translators because this profession is associated with a great diversity of themes, genres, text assignments, the conditions under which the work is performed, and other factors that can have an impact on the lives of professionals. Special attention is paid to the problem of labor interpreter.


Publications (Methods)

Further training:

In 2014 graduated from the course "Computer literacy teacher" in teaching methods "Postgraduate Institute" KPI ",  certificate.

Organizational and educational activities

Competition for the best translation of scientific and technical text.

Extracurricular work with students (tours, talks educational nature, meeting with colleagues in Germany, etc.).